Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ten things you might get bored of

As a child weren't there just way too many things that excited you? And you were just dying to do/achieve them. And now that you're old enough to do/achieve them, you look back and wish you could kick yourself in the nuts through the space-time continuum. And the more mundane an activity they become the more you tend to hate them.

Here are a few:

Walking - You're telling me if you could be lifted everywhere, you'd still prefer walking?
Shaving - First couple of times, we would even shave the skin off, if we could. But now, I'd rather uproot the hair from it's roots.
Driving - Not the once-in-a-freaking-blue-moon kind of drive. The everyday routine. Ah, gotcha!
Voting - The first time is exciting, but then you realise, you're still getting equally screwed. Loses its charm.
Wearing a suit - You remember how you would try on ties, and long suits that never fitted. Now they freaking fit. (Fortunately, I don't have to bear this cross.)
Going to work - No comment.
Picking up the tab - This always seem so manly, when your dad did it. But what you were looking at, was the happiness in your mom's eyes, but you didn't see the despair in your dad's.
Cooking - This one still haunts me. Everyday.
Being responsible - This one bites all of us in the ass once a day. Imagine, if no one expected you to behave a certain way, expected you to be irresponsible.
Sex - Although, this one I still seem to enjoy - but they say it happens. May I die before that.

Oh an eleventh, just struck me.

Death - We wish it so very often. And wonder what it would be like. I'd imagine, it'd be much like shaving or going to work. Don't expect too much from it.


Blogger Jagjit said...

So you're here again...welcome back to blogger... Hilarious post, i must say...

"But what you were looking at, was the happiness in your mom's eyes, but you didn't see the despair in your dad's." LMAO at that!!!!!!!!

AND "Death - We wish it so very often. And wonder what it would be like. I'd imagine, it'd be much like shaving or going to work. Don't expect too much from it."

So true, so insightful... Keep writing often...

PS: Please don't run a copy check on this one...:-)

13 November, 2008 21:06  
Blogger Unknown said...

Haha, clown.

Bored of : shaving, wearing a suit, going to work, picking up the tab, cooking, sex

Not bored of: walking, voting, being responsible, death.

13 November, 2008 21:30  
Blogger Unknown said...

Aarrrgh, why do you have to moderate anyone's comments? Have you ever disapproved a comment?

Change the setting, let the world talk to you...

13 November, 2008 21:31  
Blogger Unknown said...

Maybe I should lead a movement to spam you with comments, until you add 'approving comments' to the list of things you're bored of.


13 November, 2008 21:33  
Blogger Bhumika's Boudoir said...

LOL, Nev, welcome back. Enjoyed this one. So you are being responsible, shaving and wearing ill-fitting suits, and driving, eh?

Terrible. How could they do this to you?

I agree on the death thing. Bet it sucks more than life does.

13 November, 2008 23:09  
Blogger Scribblers Inc said...

nice writeup...about the shave thing, I couldnt agree more...

Scribblers Inc.

P.S.- are you the longbottom ilk? just a thought....

14 November, 2008 02:01  
Blogger Pinku said...

hey thats a nice list...

i would like to suggest another....LOVE...when we are young the whole idea of falling in love and the happiness ever after seemed so that we are grown up and mature and all...doesnt the idea kind of seem foolish??

24 November, 2008 21:09  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Other than 2 (by advantage of being a woman)... i enjoy the rest :) mars and venus bit responsible or what?!!

28 November, 2008 04:21  
Blogger Vyzz said...

haha ur a funny guy man.

21 February, 2009 04:18  
Blogger dt said...

Ok why am i the only one who thinks the one abt death is way too fucking beckettish :)

20 March, 2009 04:09  
Blogger Joe Pinto said...

My dear Neville,

I've come to your blog late. But now that I'm here I like it. If your posts are so brief, how brief are your briefs?

Death, Neville, it matters how it comes.

Death, to me mother, it came in the form of an accident when she was 44. Forty years on, and now 58, fourteen years older than me mum, I still recall it.

Death, I met it on 2 September 2006 in the form of a heart attack. Three years later I recall, Death, for me it came, and did not take me away.

Warm regards,
- Joe.

16 July, 2009 06:31  
Blogger 'Sometimes...' a common route said...


17 October, 2011 02:44  

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