Monday, September 01, 2008

Hello Ms. Palin

She is it. She has power, was Ms Congeniality at a Ms Alaska pageant. She used to be a sportscaster. She was instrumental in legalising pot in Alaska. She falsely quotes Plato in conversation.

Downside: she is married with five kids - that is not a downside people. There is a process to making babies. She is 44. BUT SHE LOOKS LIKE THAT.

If I could help it, the Republicans would have already won. (But Greg Palast already knows that)

If you want to know a little more about her, click here.

PS: If you are reading this Ms. Palin, may I have one cup of coffee with you? You can just talk. Please? :P


Blogger Pinku said...

u sure that photo was not air brushed? and you sure she is not into all those 'hold-me ups' and push-me-in type clothing?

She sure looks gorgeous....but you sure you can have that cup of coffee without guffawing out loud at all the faux pas she seems to be making whenever she opens her talk that is.

24 November, 2008 21:11  

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